Officer Team | 2024-2025
If you have any questions regarding the club and club proceedings, please email or ask the executive board in person after General Body Meetings.
The current executive board for the 2024-2025 academic year is listed below. These officers can be fantastic resources for our members, and are happy to offer any club member advice regarding the major and their time at UNC. If you have questions about TriBeta, please reach out to the club email rather than our officer’s personal emails or social medias.
President – Tammy Yu
Biology BS, Nursing BS, Pre-Research
Vice President – Emily Eldridge
Biology BS, Education Minor, Pre-Teaching
Secretary – Finley Heller
Biology BS, Chemistry Minor, Medical Anthropology Minor, Pre-Medicine
Treasurer – Antony Ponmany
Biology BS, Sports Medicine Minor, Pre-Medicine
Departmental Chair – Lilly Markland
Biology BS, Education Minor, Pre-Teaching
Outreach Chair – Lilly Carpenter
Biology BA, Health and Society Minor, Pre-Public Health
Co-Service Chair – Ariel Gao
Biology BS, Medical Anthropology BA, Chemistry Minor, Pre-PA
Co-Service Chair – Paige Oldenburg
Biology BS, Chemistry Minor, Medical Anthropology Minor, Pre-Medicine
Co-Service Chair – Elizabeth Klotzbach
Biology BS, Chemistry Minor, Pre-Dental
Co-Social Chair – Claire Sykes
Biology BS, German BA, Pre-Research
Co-Social Chair – Will Walker
Biology BS, Pre-Veterinarian